Indus or Harappan seals in the matter of diverse type of sides as symbolic sign an indicative percept.
Most of the Indus or Harappan seals were being made of by cutting steatite. Steatite is a type of very soft stone. It can easily be cut by saws. It is smooth or as wishfully to fit in incising and easily suitable. Usually
seals were in small-sized and in sq square-shaped. After cutting into most of steatite were being engraved with opposite-shaped designs. Designs are any animal portrait and this has aside a series of a bunch of symbolic scripts.
Of any pliant base for example, on wet clay or on plastic material like ‘bitumen’ to give impression of opposite-protraits that assumed to straight images. It’s backside has a lofty part with adjoining hole— that was assumed to a small ring like handle, so that these were tightly tied with thread to convey the seals. At steatite for given in mold of seals all those implements needed; those are knives of copper, small-sized saws, instrument for engraving and probably drills.
The numbers of seals cannot be counted by multiplying in the Indus or Harappan civilization. Only to the Mohenjo-daro had more than 1200 seals being found. A few of seals had in round-shape and very little seals of pattern as Mesopotamian were cylindrical. The numbers of silver, marble, limestone etc seals were rare. Engraved on seals to the bulk of scripts were surviving the characteristic of writing of Indus civilization — to those being observed in this scripts to the same motion of regularly to be used from 2500 B.C till to 2000 B.C.
Of judging by by writing system to the manner of seals or the style could-not find any trace of any significantly regional variation. Probably, Indus state and its ruling classes, officers and the traders, of mercantile world were only the consumers of seal-makers. Discovered seals and engraved scripts on its hearts were probably those people who were used to these seals; by that also propounded upon the universe of their belief. So, in this world of belief infact akin to an ‘official religion’ of Indus or Harappan civilization — in this statement being pronounced was not unseasonable. Almost three-quarters of Indus seals has only single-one to the portrait of an animal — that was a legendary animal — which animal was ‘Unicorn’ — in front of that “manger” of… curious-shape with three-tiered and in this manner has engraved. Some rating of animal at less than ‘Unicorn’ has engraved on seals — those are hampless bull or bison, elephant, zebu or humped bull, tiger e.t.c.
At last, from one direction to the most great consumers in this seals were probably the members of ruling class and traders and with that seals are powerful indication towards trade. Another direction. in this seals had indicated toward the world of belief or official religion.