

In early Medieval India (650 C.E-1200 C.E) various aspects of or agricultural economics

early Medieval India (650 C.E-1200 C.E)

Agrahar was that Tamrasham was enforcing to grant tax free land or village revenue. And in this manner by the creation of Brahmins’ emplacement was bringing to the uncultivated areas under plough. According to this reason by Agrahar system was happened to the great extension of agricultural economies. In the early medieval India single-minded supporter of feudalism, Ramsharan Sharma also was acknowledge to this statement by Tamrashasn to consequence consequence by in instituting Agrahar to the extende unproductive land was coming under to the jurisdiction of agricultural economics. Hence from observing in this side by instituting Agrahar except for waning wealth possibility of growing firm to the agricultural economics was in comparison had more being existent.

In early medieval period happened to an excessively extension of cultivation – it’s different implication is that early medieval era is an agricultural greater progressive epoch. In this period composed to Krishi – Parashara, Krishi-sukti etc designate books have describing detailed information of agricultural knowledge. In this matter on undoubtedly proved to this side of significance of agricultural economies.

Viewing to the side of agricultural diversity was showing that, from starting fifty type of rice; spinach ; brinjal; abundant production of coconut; accompanied with that betel-nut; by the side of betel-nut; cultivation of betel leaf, surrounded agricultural land of betel leaf to cotton; oilseed, spices, black-peppers, saffron, karpoor, asafaetid, aguru, mutmeg, mace; peppers, date etc. miscellaneous and variable agricultural production were found. In early medieval era from this catalogue of harvest doubtlessly are to consider of firm-base, plentiful produce and the side of agricultural variety of cultivated production.

The diversity and expansion of cultivated production was made possible of major part for the introduction of plough-base cultivation. Over widespread tracts. Ploughsin most cases were made of wood. Another noticeable matter of the agricultural based economic life had wide introduction of 6 Dheki”, “a kind of husking pedal operated in a seesaw manner’. Moreover in that regard widespread application of designation & ‘Urdukhl’, ‘a type of utensil for agricultural purpose’ had presented.

With agriculture inseparably was connected to the irrigation system. From contemporary source of imformation was deduced that in the matter of agricultural system being deep-rooted
establishment in all over of the sub-continent to extensive used of irrigation purpose to use of wells were continued in this era. From contemporary source of information was known that digging of deep Bapi’s was getting increase. According to Ramsharan Sharma’s deduced subject is that ‘Bapi’ is a type of well – that mainly being dug by the side. of agricultural land and for purpose of irrigation system.

In early medieval era another important implement of irrigation ‘Aurghtta’. In this tool was known as also “Ghotijontro’. It is wheel-shaped tool; which body with having attached to little volume utensils; this utensils ta has shaped as “Ghoti”, so the “Awightta’ designate implement was allusive as designation “Ghotijontao’. To the report of proceedings of “Ghotijontro” was viewing that, the wheel was being revolved inside the water were fulfilled to this type of utensils, designation ‘Ghoti’s by water. Also related to to that wheel being continued revolving to the pour water in the “Ghoti’s was being fall fallen to the downwards ground.

In North India to the irrigation system in most cases was active active in personal enterprise. In South India to flourish of irrigation system in the specific application of ‘Udkbondha’ or Watergate or “Sluice’ was shown. In South India to the irrigation system was directly devolved upon mainly to the ed elected village-communities — specific person or king would not would not adopted to this responsibility.
Finally, by judging from the overall over all aspect of agricultural expantion in early medieval India, it is shown that early medieval epoch had probably to the greatest agricultural expanation epoch from all grounds.

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